Frequently Asked Questions
Have Questions? Explore the page below for the most common questions related to acupuncture, herbal medicine, and integrative health. Can’t find your questions below? Please don't hesitate to send us an email or book a free online consultation so we can answer your questions thoroughly. We’re here to help!

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Pricing & Billing
In order to provide you with direct billing service, we require:
your Policy number (Policy #)
your Member ID
Your Date of Birth
For select insurance providers, such as Veteran’s Affairs (VAC), you may need a doctor’s referral.
If you are not the primary insurance holder, we will also require to know your relationship to the insured member. eg: son, spouse, etc. As well as the primary insurer’s name & date of birth.
You can provide your direct billing information in two ways:
Fill out the direct billing area in your Acupuncture Intake Form before your first visit.
Bring your extended health care card, insurance information to your first appointment.
After your insurance profile is all set up in our system, we will be able to direct bill to your insurance company at each one of your visits.
Please be aware that your claim may be denied or we may experience technical difficulties and cannot guarantee that we can direct bill at every single visit. If these things happen, we will require you to pay for your visit and issue you a receipt you can submit on your own time.
We are approved health care providers and offer the service of direct billing for many different extended health insurance providers. This service means you have less out of pocket expenses and one less chore you have to deal with when you get home.
Each extended health care plan is different and almost as unique as you. You may have to pay a portion of the treatment cost that your insurance company does not pay. Payment amounts depend on your individual coverage and what the magic computer portal tells us at your visit. It is wise to check with your healthcare provider and be clear about exactly what kind of coverage is available to you. Also, some insurance companies aren’t set up for direct billing, so we will issue you a receipt and you can submit it at your convenience
As approved healthcare providers, we provide direct billing to the following extended health care providers on your behalf:
BPA – Benefit Plan Administrators
Canada Life
Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)
Canadian Construction Workers Union
Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance
D.A. Townley
Desjardins Insurance
First Canadian
GMS Carrier
Industrial Alliance
Johnson Inc.
Johnston Group Inc.
LiUNA Local
Manulife Financial
Maximum Benefit
Medavie Blue Cross
Pacific Blue Cross
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Sun Life Financial
TELUS AdjudiCare
Veteran’s Affairs (VAC)
About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a medical procedure in which sterile filiform needles are inserted into precise anatomical points in order to produce physiological and biochemical changes. It is used within the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has also been adopted within the fields of physiotherapy and bio-medicine in recent times. It encompasses all needling and point stimulation techniques including e-stimulation, moxibustion, dry needling, motor point needling, blood-letting, etc.
Needle sensation is highly diverse depending on the patient and the location the needle is being inserted.
Sometimes you won’t feel anything, other times you will feel a poke or a dull ache.
Depending on the condition, your practitioner will stimulate the needle, so you feel an intense sensation, or they will focus on a very gentle feeling.
No matter what, our top priority is that all sensations are comfortable and manageable.
It totally depends on the reason you’re coming in. Acupuncture treatment is both therapeutic and diagnostic, and as we see how you are responding to treatment, we can make a more accurate assessment on how many treatments you will need to see the improvement you want.
In general, there is three phases to the treatment process:
Phase 1: We initiate improvement in your symptoms.
Phase 2: We build on our progress and take it to the maximum therapeutic benefit.
Phase 3: We make sure the progress is as stable and as lasting as possible.
Acupuncture costs $115 for an initial consult and $90 for a follow up. Generally people come in for about 6-10 treatments to start.
It depends on why you’re coming. If you’re coming for wellness, usually we do a course of 6 treatments then you’re done. Many people choose to do monthly maintenance visits.
For chronic conditions, treatment is often ongoing until we get the symptoms to the place where they’re manageable for you. The effects of acupuncture can last from 26 weeks to indefinitely. Generally monthly maintenance visits or herbal medicine are advised to maintain your progress.
We can advise you on our recommendations.
Definitely! Acupuncture and herbal medicine is very effective as an additional therapy to conventional treatment.
Acupuncture for Anxiety & Depression
Lowered blood hormone levels are secreted by the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, which controls reactions to stress and regulates processes like the immune system, digestion, emotions and moods, and sexuality.
Releases endorphins in your body. Endorphins are your body’s natural painkillers. An increase in these hormones provides a natural boost to your body and brain.