A Holistic Health Approach

Our Holistic Health Treatments

We help you feel like yourself again.

 Treatment with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture and Herbal medicine provide a unique approach to treatment by supporting the health and wellness of the whole person instead of identifying and isolating disease components, then attacking and eradicating them. By keeping the vitality of the entire person, we provide an optimum environment for healing illness from the inside out and developing long-term strategies for wellness and health. We can help you develop health optimization strategies and long-term care solutions for the following conditions:

Chronic Pain and Pain Management Techniques

Pain is complicated. Scans, imaging, and tests may come out normal, but the pain is real, and it’s messing up your life. Persistent pain is like a car alarm going off for no reason. The car alarm is your nervous system and your body is the car. Your alarm system becomes so sensitive that even a little gust of wind causes it to go off.

We can help you retrain your nervous system to reduce pain and inflammation.

The best way to manage chronic pain is to take a holistic approach. Acupuncture is a critical tool to add to your toolbox for managing chronic pain.

Our office can set up a personalized strategy to assist you with reducing the frequency, duration, and intensity of chronic pain.

Mental Health

Mental well-being influences how we think, what we do, and the way we act. Herbal remedies are available for depression and anxiety. If you are suffering from any mental health issues, we would like to help you to improve your mental well-being.

Give our office a call to set up an appointment and see what we can do to help you.

Holistic Treatments for Women’s Health

Balance your hormones and get rid of PMS and period pain once and for all. We can help you get to the root cause of the problem, regulate your hormones, reduce stress and inflammation with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

We offer holistic treatments for:

  • Painful Periods

  • Irregular periods

  • Heavy bleeding

  • PMS

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids and cysts

  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Headaches & Migraines

  • Bloating and fatigue

  • Fertility


Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy and childbirth is not a medical event. It is magical. Each woman comes to pregnancy and birth in her own unique way and the act of bringing a baby into this world is natural and spiritual. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be used to support you throughout each stage of your pregnancy; experience relief from pain, manage nausea and morning sickness, make sure your baby is in the best possible position for both of you, and reduce the need for medical intervention.

Autoimmune Treatments

Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is well suited to treat and control autoimmune conditions, reducing the duration, intensity, and frequency of your symptoms.

There are many autoimmune diseases that affect a person’s quality of life. A person’s immune system can be regulated by a healthy, natural diet and lifestyle changes. It is possible to control the overactive immune response and reduce pain and inflammation by herbal remedies and other therapies. Certain foods can aggravate your immune system. There may also be other triggers that affect your immune system.

Our office can set up a personalized strategy to assist you with the signs and symptoms of this disease and work out an individualized treatment strategy.

Natural Skin Treatments and Skin Problems

Herbal remedies are the best solution for all types of skin problems. With the proper diagnosis from a qualified herbalist, there are no side effects with herbal remedies and your skin will look so much better. Different herbal remedies are used for different skin problems.

Come into our office and chat with one of our professionals about your skin problems, and we can start on natural treatments using herbal remedies to get your skin problems under control so that you can look and feel better.

Skin problems that can be treated with herbal remedies include acne, face scars, eczema, and psoriasis. Stress can also be a cause of skin problems, and we can work with you to reduce the stress in your life, which will improve the quality of your skin.


Digestion and Digestion Problems

Digestion issues, such as constipation, bloating, heartburn and diarrhea are common and are treatable with natural remedies. Most digestive problems are due to a person’s diet or stress in their life. We are able to help you with your digestion issues, by examining your diet and suggesting changes to the food you eat, or ways to cope with stress in your life.

Cancer Care

Our approach is to provide you with the best possible integrative and supportive cancer treatment care in the Comox Valley. We help you endure and cope with cancer and cancer treatment with more comfort and a better quality of life.

Acupuncture is effective for alleviating pain in cancer patients and reducing opioid use. It is estimated that up to 70% of cancer patients do not get adequate pain relief. Through clinical trials, it has been established that acupuncture has a valuable role to play in pain relief for cancer patients.

Studies show Chinese herbal medicine improves the outcomes of chemotherapy when considering the quality of life, anemia, and neutropenia in patients.

Acupuncture treats pain related to tumor growth, post-operative pain, metastases, cancer treatments, and other developments related to your health journey with cancer.

Acupuncture is effective for treating nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy. Patients often benefit significantly from acupuncture’s immediate and lasting ability to alleviate nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy.

 Are you ready to

Take the lead in your wellness?

You are capable of making positive changes and achieving your goals. We help people with persistent pain, stress and inflammation develop holistic care strategies to improve their quality of life.

Book a Consultation

Free 15 minute consultation to meet the practitioner, answer your questions, and learn more about our approach.


Appointment Information

Your first appointment includes a health assessment, treatment and care strategy to help you meet your wellness goals.


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